This is how an SMS exchange between Praks and me over the weekend goes ...
Praks: I'm getting a hair cut. This guy is suggesting that I straighten a bit of hair in the front and leave the rest curly as is. What to do?
Me: Go ahead!It may look good, if not, you could just straighten all after a few days
Praks: I knew you would say this! What else can I expect from a girl who colored her hair magenta. I shall go for it :)
Learning- If you want advice you can follow, know who to ask.
Praks: I'm getting a hair cut. This guy is suggesting that I straighten a bit of hair in the front and leave the rest curly as is. What to do?
Me: Go ahead!It may look good, if not, you could just straighten all after a few days
Praks: I knew you would say this! What else can I expect from a girl who colored her hair magenta. I shall go for it :)
Learning- If you want advice you can follow, know who to ask.